Fitness journeys all over the world have take a massive hit due to the current outbreak. What can you do to make sure your health and fitness doesn't deteriorate while you're stuck at home? Here are a few tips.
Increase protein intake: protein will help maintain muscle, it's also filling. The fuller you are each meal, the less you snack.
Modify your fat intake: Your intake of fats should be moderate, maybe even lower depending on your energy requirements. Fat are a high energy yield macro nutrient. Simply put, they pack a lot of energy for every gram you ingest. Therefore your intake of it should be limited.
Adjust your carbs: carbs are simply an energy source. If your goal is to avoid fat gain while on lock down, lower carb intake on days you don't train as you won't be needing the extra energy. This is why I like using carb cycling in my clients' programs, it's simple to follow and it promotes fat loss.
Increase fibre intake: foods high in fibre are very satiating. A meal high in protein and fibre will ensure that you don't graze in between meals. Oats, sweet potatoes, green fibrous veggies and buckwheat are a few examples.
Weights: if you are like the rest of us, you have very minimal equipment lying around. If possible, buy a kettle bell, a pair of Dumbbells in different weights - 5,10,15kg. Buy a set of resistance bands. With these you can focus on some high volume training. This won't build massive amounts of muscle but it'll ensure that you don't lose muscle mass from inaction. Use it or lose it.
Finally, take this time to rest up. 7-8 hours of sleep every night is a must. Once the lock down is over, you won't head back to the gym looking as wasted and tired as everybody else.
Stay healthy.